Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Zumba Drive

ZUMBA Street Sign, A BRAND NEW SIGN!! Made of aluminum and high quality vinyl lettering and graphics this sign is 4 x 18 inches. Made to last for years outdoors the sign is nice enough to display indoors. Comes with two holes pre-punched for easy installation, corners are rounded.
Price: $19.95
Click here to buy from Amazon
Zumba is now internationally known as a fun, calorie-burning dance-exercise program. This exercise format is frequently featured in the news. Many people are intrigued by this workout that feels like you are attending a party. As more and more people learn about it they are being drawn to Zumba classes all over the world.
When new students come to my classes they have many questions. The class is a fusion of fitness, aerobics and several types of dance styles. This may create some confusion as to what to expect. Do you wear clothes for dancing or exercising? Do you have to know how to dance? Do you have to be in shape?
Here are some answers to the top five questions asked about taking a Zumba class.
What is it?
Many people are not sure if it is hip-hop dancing, latin dancing, or some new form of aerobics. The concept for the class was actually created when Beto Perez, a fitness and dance professional from Columbia, forgot his music for a traditional aerobic class he was about to teach. Improvising, he used music that he had on him which was his favorite latin music. Needless to say, the class was a hit. One of the characteristics of a traditional aerobic dance class is that the music usually has a monotonous steady beat. In contrast, Zumba uses regular songs with lyrics, choruses and changes in rhythm. The class is a combination of dance and fitness moves. The dance portion is 70 percent latin using such steps as salsa, merengue, and reggaeton. The rest may be a combination of other world rhythms such as bellydance, African or hip-hop. The fitness moves may include muscle toning exercises such as squats, bicep curls and plyometric jumps or running in place. The emphasis of the program is to teach choreography that is simple and easy. Zumba also affects the participant mentally by releasing stress and creating joy with its party-like atmosphere. Another unique characteristic of Zumba is that it is usually taught using visual cues so that the students can immerse themselves in the music.

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